May 1 – 2, 2021
#WalkRunThrive #ChangeAChildsStory
On May 1 – 2, join the Georgia CASA team, along with staff, board members, volunteers, and supporters across the state, as part of the National CASA/GAL Association for Children’s nationwide Walk. Run. Thrive. event to raise awareness for the important work of CASA programs and CASA volunteers.
Through this virtual event, participants can walk or run wherever they are and at their own pace while sharing their support for the CASA mission.
Interested individuals should register through the National CASA/GAL website to receive a signature event t-shirt and be part of our nationwide movement.
This is a great way for CASA supporters nationwide to show their support for the work we do serving children and families.
Join in the Fun & Competition!
Join in the fun and help the Georgia CASA team reach our fundraising goals as we walk and run to raise awareness about CASA in Georgia!
Visit the following team members’ fundraising pages:
Ali Darden
Lori Derhammer
Ayaan Forstall
Deidre Hollands
Jen King
Lori Pupp
Shontel Wright
Register for Event
Children involved in foster care need CASA volunteers to advocate for their best interests. Click here to learn more about becoming a CASA volunteer in Georgia.
Events Around the State
Canton, GA
April 30 at 11:30 a.m.
Veterans Park
Canton, GA
Contact CASA Cherokee via email or call 770-345-3274
Griffin, GA
May 1 from 5 – 7 p.m.
Airport Rd. Park
128 Airport Rd.
Griffin, GA 30224
Contact Advo-Kids CASA via email or call 770-228-4714
Dublin, GA and Vidalia, GA
May 1 at 10 a.m. in Dublin and 2 p.m. in Vidalia
Dublin: Hospital track (Fairview)
Vidalia: First Baptist Church
Contact TLC CASA via email or call 478-275-8100